O Novo Ensino Médio no Espírito Santo
os desafios de diretores/as escolares
NEM, Gestão escolar, Reforma, Diretor/aAbstract
The article brings research data on the implementation of the New High School (NEM) in the state network of Espírito Santo, from data survey conducted through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews with headmasters of 16 high schools that started the NEM in 2019. The experience of Espírito Santo is unique because it started the NEM in schools that previously offered the Escola Viva, which has common aspects with the NEM regarding the diversified part of the curriculum, that is, the subjects Life Project, electives and guided study planned in the perspective of leveraging the protagonism and entrepreneurship in the lives of young people. The reports of the interviewed headteachers reveal a consonance with the principles of the reform, despite facing problems of different natures that complicate school management. However, these problems are seen as altruistic challenges by managers selected by the Secretary of Education for their managerialist and voluntarist profile.
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