uma experiência de contação de histórias
Storytelling. Elementary school. Library.Abstract
Storytelling is a teaching opportunity that contributes to reader development and improves writing, as well as other skills, which are broadened in students’ intellectual developmental process. With this purpose, the supervision and library departments in a state public school came together to promote this activity with the project Visiting the library, subproject of the project The Living Library: a space to support the teaching and learning process. We proposed to teachers from the 1st to 5th grades of the initial years of Elementary School, in the morning school period, a cycle of storytelling during the second academic semester. The greater goal of this subproject was to develop the habit of storytelling and increase participation in activities in the library as an incentive to read. Teachers outside of the school were invited to participate. The aim of the methodology is descriptive and exploratory. With this study, we perceived greater teacher commitment to the practice of reading in the classroom and greater interaction between the teacher and students and between students, thus strengthening the teaching and learning processes. Moreover, this project encouraged the teachers from the afternoon period to request that the project be implemented in the afternoon as well.
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