BNCC no cotidiano escolar
política educacional e a percepção docente do município de Marialva/PR
BNCC. Daily praticalpolitics. Physical Education. Curriculum.Abstract
The study aims the analyze of the relations set up between the curricular educational politics, express on BNCC, and the perceptions of Physical Education professors in the Marialva city. We developing a research field counting with 12 teachers and the Physical Education coordinator, that we use the semi-structure interview, formation and questions. We adopted historical materialism as a method of analysis, searching to learn the conception of local and national education politic relating with the teacher perception of your implications in educational context. The main aspects of BNCC demarcated the professor opinions, that express, in a first moment an approximation of your acts with this national curriculum. However, the formal moment realized by this research induce a change of perception of these teachers, who pass to identify a distance of these curricular document that integrates the brasilian educational politic regarding to your sphere of politic and teaching acting in the schools of the city, thus in contents organization, as in teaching process. Therefore, is conclude, that the relation established between both is an conflictual relation, in the meaning that the determinations of national curriculum don’t express the reality of this city, reflection of an process off antidemocratic elaboration.
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