Processo de inclusão escolar de estudantes com TEA
em perspectiva o desenho universal para aprendizagem
Educação Inclusiva, Desenho Universal para Aprendizagem, Formação docente, Alfabetização, Transtorno do Espectro AutistaAbstract
This article starts from the fact that all students have the right to school education, and their learning process must count on the attentive and careful look of the school and the teacher. In this way, it presents the results of a research on the inclusive process involving approximation to the principles of universal design for learning (UDA). The UDL can support teachers, the school and parents in order to develop a classroom practice that is inclusive and respectful of all children. The investigative question was: What are the contributions of Universal Design for Learning in the inclusive literacy process, in the context of a classroom where there are children with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? The objective of this article is to present the challenges and possibilities in the school inclusion process according to the teachers' narratives. Based on this context, a narrative research was carried out, using interviews and conversation circles as instruments for data collection. The research subjects were two teachers with experiences in the classroom with children with and without ASD. As a result, the narrative research provided an opportunity to reflect on the inclusive pedagogical approach based on the UDL, as well as enabling the construction of a learning object based on the UDL and on the pedagogy of multiliteracies. It is a didactic notebook that seeks to support teachers with inclusive strategies for the literacy period.
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